Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Spirit of Love

The Church often prays for the Spirit of Love to unite believers in mind and heart with Jesus and with one another.  In responding to the call to the priesthood, St. Marcellin opened his heart to another call, the founding of the Little Brothers of Mary, whose purpose would be to unite their students in love with each other and with Jesus.  With humility, simplicity, faith and determination, he did not waver nor swerve from this path and in his short life, set the direction of future brothers, and now an increasing number of lay people.  His efforts were crowned by the Church which beatified him on this day in 1955, and canonized him on April 18,1999, honors, which this humble man did not seek. Today, despite a declining number of brothers a new vitality is surging in different parts of the Congregation as the pooling of resources and personnel leads to new works...Talk of a new community in Harlem of brothers from Canada, Mexico and the United States, along with lay members, might soon come into being, showing that the Spirit of Love is still at the heart of the work begun by St. Marcellin.
Bro. Rene 

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