Wednesday, May 22, 2013

St. Rita of Cascia

Perhaps more popular in Italy than in the United States, the 15th century wife, mother, widow, nun, St. Rita of Cascia, nevertheless is a saint for our times and our needs.  Her life was filled with challenges one would deem impossible from an early age when at 12 she was forced by her parents to marry a man with a bad temper who abused her, was unfaithful to her and taught their sons his evil ways. He was eventually killed by one of his enemies, leaving Rita a widow after 20 years of marriage.  Her one consolation was that he repented at the end of his life. Rita was finally able to fulfill her life-long dream, and entered the convent of the Augustinian Nuns at Cascia, but even there, felt isolated and lonely because the nuns feared her husbands enemies might take reprisal on the convent which housed his widow.  The behavior of her sons was a cross, but yet she asked Jesus for a closer tie with him in his passion.  Her request was granted, and she received the stigmata in the form of a wound in her forehead similar to those Jesus bore from the crown of thorns.  Hers was a single wound which she endured with great pain for the rest of her life.  She died in 1457 and was canonized in 1900 by Pope Leo XIII.  It is no wonder that she is the patroness of impossible causes, victims of abuse, sickness, loneliness, parents and widows.  She experienced all of these.  With these situations currently so rampant, it would seem that she should be invoked day and night by everyone.  Her story needs to be re-told.  Google presents many sites for those who wish to know more about her.  St. Rita, help us not to despair when we think we cannot take one more step forward or the burdens we carry are too heavy.  Your prayers, penances, good works and perseverance throughout a life of trial and hardship are a model for us. 
Thank you for being there with and for us. Amen.

Bro. Rene

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