Tuesday, May 28, 2013

God's Plans For Us

Everyone's life is a testing ground a growing ground, sometimes causing us pain as year after year we seem to bounce from one place physically, mentally, or spiritually.  We look for permanence, stability, so that we can sink roots, grow and blossom into the person we think we would like to be, and thus find satisfaction and happiness.  Unfortunately, it does not always work out that way.  A soldier goes off to war, is wounded, and comes home blind or maimed; grateful to be alive, but oh, what a painful road physically, mentally and spiritually to move to acceptance of this new state, even to come to embrace it.  The nagging question, "Why me? lingers for years, especially if one has been good and "followed all the rules."  It seems like an unfair lot, even a punishment, for a crime not committed. 
It could be even less dramatic...simply being cut year after year from job after job, because of budget cuts.  Where does one go for help, for solace when the bottom has literally been torn from the boat?  It's in these moments of loneliness and darkness that God eventually will reveal his plan, reminding us of the consoling line from Jeremiah the Prophet: "I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord, plans of fullness, not of harm, to give you a future, and a hope."  (Jer 29: 11). Sometimes tears flow, when this hits one right between the eyes...There is a plan, there is resurrection...but not in our time line, but in God's.  There's the rub, there's the call to FAITH.  Praying over this verse will eventually bear fruit, and when the plan actually begins to unfold, there is great rejoicing, as in the calm afer the storm.
Bro. Rene

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