Monday, May 27, 2013

Decoration Day

Decorating the graves of fallen soldiers with flags and flowers began in the 1860' Warrenton, Virginia as early as 1861.  By 1868, it had become a national custom later, came to be known as Memorial Day and includes all deceased, with still an emphasis on military men and women who gave their lives in service of our country.  As we pray for these deceased today, and take part in the parades and speeches that were once so much a staple of this day, we might also pray for those veterans who have returned from war maimed, physically or emotionally and pray for those who are helping to rehabilitate them.  Iron Stone farm has recently begun "horse therapy" for veterans who have "lost themselves" but have found themselves and meaning in their lives by contact with horses.  Let us also pray for those who at this moment are serving in those troublesome spots of the world:  Afghanistan, the Middle East and Korea.  The Lord is their shield and protector and we place them in his hands.
Bro. Rene

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