Monday, May 13, 2013

The Fatima Phenomenon

Ninety-six years ago today, three Portuguese children tending sheep at the Cove da Iria, a piece of land owned by the father of two of the children, had a vision of a beautiful woman who urged them to pray the rosary daily.  She also asked if they were willing to offer themselves to God and bear all the sufferings that he would send them.  Each month on the 13th, the woman appeared (except in August when the children were detained by the Administrator of the village).  She appeared to them on the 19th. In September she told them of a miracle that would occur in October, which would help people believe.  The "Miracle of the Sun" took place on October 13th. We now look back with names for the "main characters," Our Lady of Fatima (peace), Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta.  A huge basilica stands in the Cove and has attracted  millions of pilgrims in these 96 years where many miracles have occurred.   Blessed John Paul II attributes the saving of his life during the assassination attempts on this date in 1981.  Mary called the children and the world to take the Gospel seriously, to pray and do penance..."for the conversion of Russia, for the conversion of sinners." Let us offer our Rosary today for these intentions and remain faithful to the admonition to live the Gospel.
Bro. Rene

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