Monday, May 6, 2013

One Bulb at a Time

Sometimes we are so overwhelmed with schedules and "things to do" that we don't see the beauty all around us not do we ever imagine that we have something to contribute that will bring a previously non-existent beauty to our common, ordinary day and and world. 
One woman began planting daffodil bulbs in 1958,  50,000 bulbs later
this beautiful sea of gold brings delight to and lifts the spirits ofall who pass by.
When we do one good act of kindness each day, we help bring about the Kingdom of God, even though we
don't see the results immediately.
As we prepare for Ascension Thursday and Pentecost, let us call on the Holy Spirit to help us find
the bulbs that will help create the Kingdom of Love and Beauty which
Jesus came to set up.

Bro. Rene

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