Sunday, May 12, 2013

Right Under Our Noses

In taking time to celebrate Mothers' Day, we might also discover  that the "perfect gift" for her, has been right under our noses.  Spring gardens are emerging and revealing plants, now blooming, that seemed to have disappeared through the winter.   Iris that I had forgotten about caught my attention this morning in full bloom since yesterday, when there were no blooms at all.  Overnight they opened up and there  they were, right under my nose.  And there's "mom", always there, but "hidden", it seems under the "winter"of countless daily tasks; taken so much for granted, her loving efforts to make sure every aspect of family life runs smoothly, if not unnoticed, unacknowledged, to say the least. What a gift, better than flowers, a meal, or a card, would be a prayer/blessing/thank you that recognizes her God-like unconditional love and fidelity that make God present in the family in a very real, visible way, but, only because of our blind, self-preoccupation, we fail to see.  Let's open our eyes and mouths today and tell our mothers how we do see and appreciate her God-like qualities, and tell her that we will love and pray for her, not only today, but for the rest of her life.
Bro. Rene

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