Saturday, May 18, 2013


For many of us, endings are hard.  I personally hate them:  the end of a movie, a book, a season, an academic year, etc...I guess it's because I'm so totally immersed  in the present situation that I narrow my vision to it, and am so comfortable in it, that I don't think there can be anything better beyond it.  Of course, I've found over and over again that that's not true; the next chapter, or the next whatever, has always been better than the last.  Still, the coming of change causes hesitation and a degree of sadness.
Today we approach the end of the Easter Season, for tomorrow, Pentecost, we celebrate the "birthday" of the Church and the beginning of another phase of the liturgical cycle.  We concluded the Gospel of John and the Acts of the Apostles in preparation for the story of Pentecost and the reception of the Holy Spirit.;  We have meditated on the resurrection and prayed for the coming of the Spirit.  We should be ready.   Perhaps while shopping, or attending graduations, (endings and commencements, beginnings, for the graduates), we might renew our hope in the presence of the Spirit to "make all things new" and ask that we know our own place in making that renewal happen, so that hope and joy may fill us and overflow to others.
Bro. Rene

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