Sunday, May 26, 2013

How Great Thou Art

As we reflect on the Holy Trinity today, it might be good to begin, as the hymn goes, to consider all the works God's hands have made. "I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder/ Thy power throughout the universe displayed." "Awesome", though such a popular word with teenagers, falls short when we attempt to describe the wonder, magnitude and mystery the heavens alone contain.  Then we come to us:  What is may that you should be mindful of him....You have made him a little less than the angels,/ and crowned him with glory and honor,/ You have given him rule over the works of your hands/ putting all things under his feet." (Ps 8: 4-6). The beauty of humans, so breathtaking, so diverse, even palls when we consider all that makes us tick, from brain, to nerves, to organs, fingers, all..
Our faith tells us that all of this comes from God in whose image and likeness we are made...We stand stunned, as it were, before our creator as we contemplate his works...And more than a Creator, we come to see him even more clearly as Jesus has revealed him:  as a loving, compassionate Father, who counts the hairs on our head, so intimately does he know and love us.  Jesus gives us a fuller picture of this Father, whose Spirit is the love he has for his Son, and who is breathed into us to give us the "strength, the drive, the life-giving energy that will make us followers of Jesus, his witnesses and partners at the service of the grand project of the Holy Trinity" as Jose Pagola so beautifully puts it. (Following in the Footsteps of Jesus, Year C, p, 84).  This is the God we honor, celebrate and to whom we  lovingly sing: "How great thou art!"
Bro. Rene


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