Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Day of the Spirit

The Holy Spirit seems to take a "back place" in our prayers, spirituality and thinking.  Always last in the Trinitarian list:  Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  But not today, for TODAY is the Day of the Spirit,  when the banners and trumpets are out in force, or should be.   Tongues of fire, symbols of the interior "firing up" of the Disciples and Mary in the upper room,  the sound of a great wind, doors flung open, a crowd of 3,000 hearing Peter speak in their own tongues, and the first "big" conversion to Christ set the tone for the day.  The Sequence of the Mass of Pentecost presents beautiful images of the Spirit:  "Light divine, comforter, refreshment, rest, coolness, solace, dew, cleansing water, strength, warmth", the works, it seems.  And rightly so...for the Spirit springs forth from the eternal and all-encompassing love of the Father for the Son.  How blessed are we individuals and a Church to have such a presence in our hearts, in our midst.  Images of Pope Francis at the Vigil of Pentecost sum it up:  a white clothed figure in the midst of a huge crowd of 200,000, reaching out to them, kissing them, urging them to live the way Jesus taught.  He thrusts himself into the hearts of people, literally, inviting them to follow Jesus.  That's what Peter did on Pentecost, that's what we are called to do, must do, wherever we are!  Happy Pentecost. 
Bro. Rene

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