Friday, May 10, 2013

Come, Holy Spirit

With the return of Jesus to the right hand of the Father, our need for him becomes more evident as we realize, as did the Apostles, that we cannot do much, if anything at all without him.  Like the apostles, we might seek refuge in some "upper room" of distraction, work or pleasure, but hiding does not solve our inadequacies.  We need to admit them, accept them, and especially ask for the Presence of the Holy Spirit.  So, until Pentecost, we use these days to pray, formally or informally, for the coming of the Holy Spirit, the Advocate, who supplies our needs and lacks. We need to "be still", to empty ourselves, and let our desire for the Spirit and his accompanying gifts to fill us.  Come, Holy Spirit, fill my heart with understanding, peace, wisdom, knowledge, strength, patience and love that I may not fear to carry out the commission of Jesus to preach the Gospel by word and deed.
Tomorrow, there will be no slice of Daily I will be at St. Joseph's College in Maine for Commencement Exercises. Use Saturday to "rest in the Spirit."

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