Saturday, November 17, 2018

Weariness in Prayer

In today's Gospel passage, Jesus speaks about persistence in prayer, giving the example of the widow who plagued the local judge for a favorable decision.  Her relentlessness finally moved the judge to grant it, if only to rid himself of this woman...Not that God plays deaf to our pleas, though sometimes it seems that way, but he does not always answer us immediately, or in the way we want.  St. Augustine tells us that they delay is intended for us to expand our hearts.  We truly discover if we are seeking God's will, or simply playing out our whims. God's ways are not ours, and we need to be assured that he is not there to torture us, but to help us grow in deeper compliance with his will, his ways...Weariness may set in , a feeling of futility; this we need to guard against and grow in our trust of God's unlimited mercy.  He will answer our prayer in his time and in his way.
Bro. Rene

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