Thursday, November 22, 2018

The Power of Gratitude

A recent study has affirmed a long standing belief based on experience most of us have shared, that saying "thank you" helps one feel better.  Indeed, the study reveals that expressing gratitude can lift and even dispel depression.  Saying thank you is an alternative to taking a pill!   Parents used to teach their children from the beginning, to say thank you, and hopefully still do. It makes everyone feel better, the receiver as well as the giver.  Note the hurt when it is omitted:  "They didn't even say thank you!"  We've heard that too often.
As we celebrate Thanksgiving across the USA today, we recall the blessings we have received: the family sitting around table and  the traditional and scrumptious  food on it.  As we count our blessings, we see that they are almost too numerous to list.  And, of course, the greatest blessings are on a spiritual plane, faith, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Mary, the Mother of God, and the saints, formally canonized or not, who set the bar for us on how to live a holy life.  May we dig deep into our hearts to find the reasons for our gratitude and truly experience a powerful and  Happy Thanksgiving.
Bro Rene

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