Saturday, November 10, 2018

Strength For Everything

Looking at Saul's life after his conversion on the road to Damascus, we might wonder where the reborn Paul got his strength.  His zeal took him around the Mediterranean basin three times, he preached tirelessly, wrote extensively, and even when housebound in Rome, never stopped being a source of inspiration and encouragement.  His letters carry on his mission 2000 years later.  A man for all seasons, a man for others, from whence came his energy, power, and strength?  He tells us in his letter to the Philippians:  "I can do all things in him who strengthens me " (Phil 4:13).  This could be the mantra for all of us who are called to discipleship through our baptism.  We too are to go out to all the world bearing witness to Jesus.  No excuses allowed, no hesitation, no fear, not if we allow Jesus to empower and strengthen us...Let this simple verse become part of our daily prayer, one which we repeat often during the day as we move from one task to another.  We'll find that everything falls into place and we can do more than we ever thought we could.
Bro. Rene

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