Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Terms of Discipleship

Jesus lays down stiff terms for his followers: He must come FIRST, before family, and even self; the cross is an essential part of the relationship, and possessions must be renounced. (cf. Lk 14:25-33).  Is it possible for anyone to be a disciple under such conditions?  Evidently, yes...Look at the list of saints, look at the people today striving to fulfill these requirements in our parishes, families and religious communities.  Becoming a Marine requires discipline, strength, effort, conviction, determination, but there are and have been men and women who have successfully complete the training and proudly wear the honor of being United States Marines. The same with being a disciple:  not something to be accomplished over night, but over a lifetime.  The morning star rises in the darkeness before dawn and grows brighter the higher it rises, slowly, gradually and surely illuminating the sky until the rising sun takes over. Let us take heart and be assured that with our acceptance of these terms, we too will join the ranks of disciples that have served faithfully till they were taken up by the Son.
Bro. Rene

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