Friday, November 9, 2018

We Too Are Temples

We celebrate the Dedication of the Basilica of St. John Lateran in Rome, the Pope's official church as Bishop of Rome. It dates back to the time of the Emperor Constantine who built it on land donated to the Church by the Lateran family, and it was the residence of the Pope until the 1300's. It is a magnificent building and houses what is said to be a portable altar used by St. Peter.
As we remember this holy edifice we might also remind ourselves that we too are "holy edifices," temples of the Holy Spirit, of more value than this revered church.  As such, with what respect, dignity and care should we treat bodies? All the attention given to our health, to exercise, proper diet, sufficient sleep, etc, takes on even greater importance when we look upon ourselves and others as sacred temples where God dwells...a needed view in light of the multiplication of mass shootings, increased drug addiction and frightening frequency of suicides, which, among other symptoms, display a total disregard for the reverence and respect owed to these temples.
Bro. Rene

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