Monday, November 26, 2018

Givng From Our Poverty

The example of the unnamed widow in the Gospel (Lk 2`-1-4) haunts, and inspires us even today.  She gave not from her excess, bur from her substance.  After giving the two coins, what was left?  We don't know, but she certainly she won the praise of Jesus and pokes at us to dig deeper, even to our poverty, be it material or spiritual.  Mother Teresa advised simple up a loaf of fine bread and using the saved money to buy bread for a local soup kitchen.  Not much, but it could inspire others to do the same.   Thanksgiving made us aware of all the gifts we have received and encouraged us to say a simple "thank you."  Now with Advent almost upon us, what might we do to prepare for the Ultimate Gift, Jesus Christ, whose total Gift of himself has brought eternal life to us?  Can we find a gift from even our weakness or spiritual poverty to give hope to another?  Can we dig deeper into our financial resources to help provide a bright Christmas for a family in need? Can we give time to visit the sick or elderly?  Christ did not spare the cost, can we?
Bro. Rene

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