Saturday, November 24, 2018

The Dead Will Rise

The Sadducees in the time of Jesus did not believe in life after death, a stance which continues today and is growing in popularity, it seems, questioned Jesus about it provoking him  to give a clear reply, "...the dead will rise," citing Moses and his encounter with the God of the living in the burning bush. (cf. Lk 20:  37).  It is not only comforting to know that our lives continue beyond the grave but it is also the basis for hope which thus motivates us to bear up with trails, but also to do our best, even when not being tested.  The resurrection of Jesus is the ultimate basis for belief in the resurrection of the dead, This belief requires faith, and with it everything falls into place. Sharing our faith, living it. spreads this hope and final purpose of our existence to others.  Lord, increase our faith, and grant it through your mercy to those who struggle with believing.  May the example of believers help to wipe their doubt away.
Bro. Rene

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