Monday, November 19, 2018

How To Ask

The blind man who encountered Jesus on the road to Jericho (Lk 18:35-43) had to shout for attention, bear with the crowd who urged him to shush, and then explain to Jesus, who knows all things, what exactly he wanted.  In a sense, he had to "work" for his cure.  It didn't just come to him out of the blue.
So it is with us, we need to show with faith and persistence that what we are asking for in our prayer is worth shouting for, bearing rebukes, and explaining clearly what we want.  This blind man passed the "test", displaying a depth of faith that moved Jesus to cure him immediately. And he simply did not see and run away, but "followed him, giving glory to God, moving the onlookers to praise God." (Lk 18: 43). His cure was not for himself, but for the glory of God and the inspiration of others.
As we pray for healings, conversions, and safety, we might keep in mind the need to "shout" and pledge a "follow-up" of praise,  thanksgiving and witness to others of the goodness of God and the power of prayer.
Bro. Rene

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