Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Power In Silence

Today's Solemnity of St. Joseph brings a giant to our reflections. The New Testament does not record one word spoken by Joseph, yet we see by his deeds how strong he was. His silent actions have echoed through the centuries and still speak loudly to us in the 21st. century, where noise and clatter deafen us to the voice of God.  Like Mary, he too learned that obedience to God's will brought peace, happiness and indomitable inner strength.  His choices and movements came after sometimes anguished prayer and reflection, in which he sought the help of God. God saw his dilemmas and responded to his prayers through angelic messages and dreams.  To wed or not to wed his pregnant fiancee?  Perhaps his most distressing choice.  It was only when the answer became clear, did he act.  How often do we act without thinking, without consulting God...because we are so busy? 
When Jesus was born, Joseph took his role as father and guardian of the child and his mother so seriously that when told to flee to Egypt, he did, leaving all behind to start again as a refugee in a foreign land.  Then again, he obeyed the instruction to move back to Nazareth, and support his family as a craftsman seeking work in neighboring villages.  When Jesus was lost for three days and found in the temple, it is Mary who speaks, but Joseph's strong presence is felt, as he shares Mary's consternation.  As he protected the Holy Family, so too he protects the Body of Christ today, as Patron of the Universal Church. On this day when the already beloved Pope Francis was officially installed as the 266th pope, we might offer a special prayer to St. Joseph to protect and guide him with the same silent strength which he devoted to Jesus and Mary.
Bro. Rene

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