Saturday, March 30, 2013

Dawning of a New Day

And so, on the third day, the holy women went to the tomb, only to find the stone rolled back and an angel telling them that Jesus was not there, but had risen as he said and gone ahead of them into Galilee.  This news shocked the women, who came to believe slowly what they heard.  Looking into the empty tomb helped, but it seems that it wasn't until  Mary Magdalene actually saw Jesus, and then only recognized him when he called her by name, thinking that the man speaking to her was the gardener, that she believed, ran to the disciples and declared, "I have seen the Lord." Peter and John had to run out to the tomb to see for themselves, so dumbfounded were they by the news. How would we react, if "Uncle John", who had been dead for three days appeared at Sunday dinner alive and well?  It took time to absorb this phenomenon and to put it all together with things Jesus had said.
We have been preparing for today for 40 days, and now it's upon us:  "Alleluia, Jesus is risen" In his death, death has died, hell been destroyed.  As one writer put it, There is no greater news than this: Jesus died, but more importantly, he rose from the dead" (Fr. Thomas Connery).  Yet it will take some time for us truly to absorb this and integrate it into our lives.  Hence a reflection period of 50 days follows Easter.  But at least for today, having renewed our baptismal promises, let us see the light of Easter, bask in it and find reinvigorated fervor, zeal and enthusiasm in living our new life in Christ.
Happy Easter, Everyone
Bro. Rene

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