Thursday, March 7, 2013

If Today You Hear His Voice

Around the world people praying The Liturgy of the Hours, or the abbreviated form called The Prayer of Christians, pray Psalm 95 with its familiar challenge:  If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts. (cf Ps 95: 7-8.).  The psalm makes reference to the Hebrews following Moses out of Egypt, who,  after the miraculous crossing of the parted Red Sea, still gave Moses and God a hard time, complaining all the while about the absence of their familiar foods, meat, and water.  God sent them manna, and flocks of fowl, but still their hard hearts demanded more.  Even Moses succumbed to this doubt in God's providence and, when told to strike the rock for water, struck it twice, to make sure.  This minor disobedience kept him from entering the Promised Land himself, but however the water did flow and eventually, after a 40 year detour, the Hebrews crossed the River Jordan.
God speaks to us every day in some our prayer, through people, events, something we read or hear.  Often our hearts are so hardened with our own preoccupations, doubts, fears, self-centeredness or stubborn insistence on "our way". that we do not hear his voice.  "Oh that today you would hear his voice!" (Ps 95: 7).  Yes, Lord, open my ears and my heart, that I may not miss your daily word.
Bro. Rene

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