Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Simplifying Our Prayer

Jesus tells his disciples (us) not to babble on when we pray, thinking that our many words will make our prayer heard. (cf. Mt 6:7). Multiplying words does not help.  He assures us that God knows our needs even before we ask him. (Mt 6: 8).  The pressure is off, no need to convince, persuade, or coax, God already knows...of course, he's God!  Jesus then gives an example of a simple, direct, honest prayer, which covers all the bases succinctly: The Lord's Prayer, or Our Father, as it is known today.  Notice that it first concerns itself with and focuses on God...recognizing his infinite holiness and goodness, his sovereignty and kingship, and command of all that is and is to be.  Our job is to conform to his will.  Then we list our needs:  daily bread, the need to forgive if we are to be forgiven, and the need for his help to overcome temptation.  In a few words, all that we need to say to God is covered.   May we come to treasure this prayer by praying it from the heart frequently and not letting it slip glibly from our lips by rote.
Bro. Rene

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