Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Do To Others

The "Golden Rule" is known around the world:  "Do to others whatever you would have them do to you" (Mt 7:12); known is different from practiced.  Would that it were observed across the globe, but it's hard to live it even in our own families, our own communities and work places.  Attempt after attempt yields little success, it seems, but like all things:  a seed germinating, a bone healing, lots goes on beneath the surface and only after TIME is actually visible.  We won't put the Rule into place perfectly, but gradually, it will take root in our behavior.  Our failings will lead to greater determination and effort, and someday people will remark how respectful and compassionate we are, and we might not even have noticed it ourselves.  Perseverance in acquiring this golden way of treating others will yield its fruit in due season.
Bro. Rene

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