Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Mary, Health of the Sick

The Church observes the 23rd Word Day of the sick in conjunction with the Memorial of  Our Lady of Lourdes.  The shrine at Lourdes, France is renowned for the miracles that have occurred there since Mary instructed Bernadette to wash in the spring, which appeared after she dug in the ground and water started to flow.  It has been flowing abundantly since 1858 and there are 69 official miracles recorded in addition to the thousands of other physical and spiritual healings.  Mary, who nurtured the young Jesus, fixed his cuts and scratches is known for her compassion toward the sick and is also called "Comforter of the Afflicted."  If asked, she will come to the aid of all who invoke her for healing and relief.  Let us not hesitate to ask.
Bro. Rene

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