Saturday, February 14, 2015

Celebrating Love

The commercial world has taken over Valentine's Day with suggestions for gifts and cards that began right after Christmas.  What's the best way to show your love? A trip, chocolates, flowers, dinner at an expensive restaurant, diamonds?  Oh how the list can go on and on.  There is a touching story on the web of a love letter written 71 years ago that showed up stowed in a record album and was returned to the writer and his daughter, revealing the simplicity and purity of young love. Such love is in a world of its own and can stir thoughts of gratitude and wonder that it can be so innocent, selfless and totally focused on the other.  Real love certainly contains these elements, but is also ready to bear its share of disagreements, disappointments, pain and tragedy. 
Jesus calls us to love as he loved:  unconditionally, looking out for the good of the other,  self-emptying. It's a love of nearness, of presence, immeasurable and intangible, but most lasting and effective   We tend to thing that DOING things for Jesus is how we show our love for him, but in reality, it's BEING with him in all we do that deepens our relationship.  If so with him, then yes, with our spouse, family, community, friends.  May we make this happy Valentine's Day (and every day) by our nearness, our attentiveness to others.
Bro. Rene

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