Monday, February 2, 2015

A Light and a Sword

The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, formerly called the Feast of the Purification of Mary, still contains those elements as well as the prophetic words of Simeon regarding Jesus as  "light of revelation to the Gentiles" and the sword which would pierce the heat of Mary. (Lk 2: 32,35).  The candles to be used for the next year in the church are blessed, and in some places there is a procession with lighted candles because of Simeon's reference to light.  Candlemas  Day is another name for the feast.  And his prediction about the sword has been encased in the Seven Sorrows of Mary. 
Jewish law required the presentation or consecration of the first born male to God and the purification of his mother.  We might put ourselves in the position of the child and offer this day (and our lives) in a special way to bringing "light" to others: our wisdom, our experience, our love, and we might ask that God purify our intentions and actions so that "light" might be genuine.  This feast, which in times past brought the Christmas Season to its conclusion might remind us of the practices we observed during Advent and renew in us a desire to continue our own mission to be a "light of revelation" to others
Bro. Rene

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