Monday, February 9, 2015

God's Abundant, Creative and Healing Love

We begin the reading of the Book of Genesis in our weekday Masses today.  We've heard the creation story countless times, but its succinct and simple explanation of the creation of our world, our universe, never fails to fascinate.  It also shows the love behind the genius which continues to fascinate scientist, mystic and each one of us.  We did not ask to be created, God made the first move to share the love which is the essence of his being by creating this wonder in which we live and which culminates in the masterpiece of creation, the human person.   How can we grasp such a love?  
The Gospel for today (Mark 6:53-56) shows that love at work again as people reach out just to touch the tassels of Jesus's garments and receive healing.  He longs to cure all, can't physically get to each one, but his healing power still reaches them by a light touch of his clothes. Creation, re-creation continues.  Do we not take this love for granted,  do we ignore it or do we try to come to appreciate it and make it the basis of our actions and dealings with others?  St. Marcellin saw love as the basic foundation of education:  "To educate, you must love the children and love them all equally" To be partners with Jesus, we must love abundantly. We thus will share in God's creative, healing power.
Bro. Rene

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