Sunday, February 15, 2015

Reaching Out

Today's Gospel from Mark (1:40-45)  gives us a beautiful picture of the compassionate Jesus.  A leper, obligated by Jewish law to dwell apart, breaks the law and approaches Jesus on his knees to beg for healing.  Perhaps he is both ashamed of his condition as well as of his breaking the law, as he makes his plea.  Jesus, also obligated by law not to touch a leper, but also filled with compassion "reaches out and touches him." (Mk 1:41).  The law of compassion is above the law of the rule books. 
Jose Pagola notes that Jesus wants to cleanse the world of "those exclusionary actions that negate his Fatherly compassion. It is not God who excludes anyone, but our man-made laws and institutions that exclude people." (Following in the Footsteps of Jesus B, p. 87) And we must come to see all people as "clean" and worthy of our love and compassion.  St. Francis had a terrible aversion to lepers, but as part of his conversion, he met a leper on the road and fighting back his natural revulsion, kissed the leper, and himself felt cleansed.  He and his companions later cared for a colony of lepers. 
Following Jesus means reaching out beyond our anxieties, aversions, and dislikes to bring compassion and help to ALL who need it.  May we be graced to live a life of such fearless compassion.
Bro. Rene

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