Sunday, October 17, 2010


St. Paul admonishes Timothy, his young disciple and friend, to "remain faithful to what you have learned and believed, because you know from whom you learned it and that from infancy you have known the sacred Scriptures, which are capable of giving you wisdom for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus." (2 Tim 3:14). He further emphasizes, "be persistent whether it is convenient or inconvenient; convince, reprimand, encourage through all patience and teaching." (2 Tim 4:2). As teachers and parents at this time in history, these words ring ever so true. As we look at ourselves, we see the need for persistence in our own prayer, in sticking to our own values, as time and convenience chip away at what we hold dear and "have learned from our infancy." How much more for the young in our care, whose roots are not as deep as ours, and whose lives are filled with more distraction and temptation than ours, it seems. The image of Moses praying with arms outstretched in prayer, so much so that in fatigue, they had to be held up by others so that he might continue and thus help Joshua win the battle below, is most apt. We need one another, we need community, a band of believers who will help us perservere in our prayer, and in our teaching. How good it is and how blessed we are to know that others hold the same values and have the same desire to teach the same truth as we! A church filled with believers and strivers, a school faculty bonded together by the common goal of making Jesus known and loved, no matter which way the wind is blowing, give strength and power to our individual efforts to be consistent and persistent. What a contrast to a world of broken promises and fickle alliances, and shifting values! "Trust in the Lord and he will help you." (Prov 20: 22b) AMEN!!!
Bro. Rene

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