Monday, October 25, 2010

Autumnal Glory

Driving to and from Morristown, New Jersey Friday and Sunday, I was enthralled by the brilliant colors on each side of the highway. It must be the peak season for fall foliage in this area: dazzling oranges, reds ranging from deep cranberry to pink, with blazing red burning bushes winning the prize for the most eye-catching reds, at least in my estimation. The gentle subtle changes of this prolonged autumn are helping me appreciate this season more than ever.
Yes, it's a slow, gradual farewell to summer, a transformation that will eventually produce new life. It is not a time to mourn. It is a time to be relished and used for praise and gratitude. It is also a time to help us realize what must go on each season in our hearts. We too must undergo transformation annually (even daily) as we relinquish what has made us comfortable, attempt to grasp the transitory nature of this life, and in the process of purification, give off a blazing light that signals a future and a hope in God's plan for us that not only strengthens us, but also becomes a beacon of light for others. No gloomy faces or depressed spirits for those on the road to Paradise. Rather, we glow with trust and confidence that all that we are experiencing can be as glorious as the colors of autumn.
Bro. Rene

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