Monday, October 4, 2010

Emptying One's Pockets

Little did the Bernadone family know in 1181 when their son, Francesco, came into the world, that he would set a pattern and lifestyle that would not only reform the Church in the 13th century, but would still be a major influence 800 years later. Repudiating the classical hedonistic values of "wine, women and song," after a period of captivity and illness, Francesco learned that by emptying his pockets of material goods and his heart of wordly ambitions, he would be filled with a joy, fullness and experience of Christ that were as contagious as effective. His life, more than his words, was the message that touched hearts that were full of misdirected energy and turned them to "the things that really matter." The voice he heard in the crumbling church of San Damiano, "Rebuild my house that is falling down," was really a command to rebuild the Church, which had grown crusty with wealth and corruption to the point that the values of dependence on God, and true heart to heart love on one's neighbor were lost. By emptying his pockets, Francis found the path to Jesus, so that with St. Paul he could say with great confidence and joy, "To live is Christ and to die is gain." No wonder he could see the wonder in all of creation and sing of it and its Creator with the joy and innocence of a young child. He found freedom and release from worry and anxiety by living as the lilies of the field and the birds of the air, in total trust of the God who provides strength for every step of the way. St. Francis touches the hearts of Catholics and peoples of all faiths because he appeals to a core longing in all of us. Today we are blessed by Sister Rain. Let us rejoice and give thanks to God as Francis would, and let us give thanks to God for this Poverello, "poor little man" whose empty pockets open the door to the infinite richness of God.
Bro. Rene

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