Monday, October 11, 2010

Lead Us, O Lord

Columbus Day, despite the Super Sales, was instituted to commemorate the discovery of America by the brave leader, Christopher Columbus, and rightly so. I think we would find it quite formidable sailing in small ships westward literally into the sea of the unknown. Lingering beliefs that the earth was flat and that these ships might fall of the edge were no doubt intimidating, plus the incalculable distance, time ahead of them must have made them wonder if there would be sufficient food and water for the voyage. Columbus' ship was named the Santa Maria, indicating that he put this enterprise in her hands. Sickness, weariness and rebellion plagued the trip, but onward pushed the captain. What a relief it must have been when land was sighted and eventually underfoot.
Our own journey through life to the Promised Land of heaven in many ways parallels this voyage: From day to day we sail into an unknown as we are greeted with suprises and demands we never anticipated as we put our feet to the floor. Our own weariness, doubt, and rebelliousness impair our smooth sailing. We realize that we cannot do it alone. Under the protection of Mary, however, we find direction, for she too sailed, even more than we, into a vast unknown demanding total trust in the promise made to her. With her, we pray, "Lead us, O Lord", and find consolation, joy, assurance, strength and readiness to discover, land and build.
"I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. They looked to Him, and were lightened and their faces were not ashamed." (Ps 34: 4,5)
Bro. Rene

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