Monday, October 18, 2010

Bearing Good News

St. Luke, author of the Third Gospel and Acts of the Apostles, physician and artist, is honored by the Church today. From his pen come a detailed account of the announcement of the birth of John the Baptist and of Jesus, and the intimate circumstances surrounding the birth of each. The beautiful hymns now chanted or recited daily in the Church's Morning and Evening Prayer, the Benedictus and Magnficat, come from this Gospel, as well as the pciture Jesus' healing ministry to the widow of Nain, and sinners, such as Zacchaeus and "the penitent woman who washed Jesus feet and wiped them with her tears. A compassionate, sensitive, yet determined and forceful Jesus emerges from his artistic strokes of literary genius. And the story of the young, vibrant early Church, which grew through the Holy Spirit and the preaching of Paul (accompanied at some points by Luke himself), serves as both history and inspiration.
Last Thursday I had the privilege to facilitate a retreat for 75 dedicated and prayerful teachers and staff at Catholic Central, a school ranging from pre-school to high school. They were eager to deepen their own prayer lives in order to be better "bearers of the Good News". Yesterday, Central Catholic hosted a massive but welcome "invasion" of interested parents and potential students at our open house, all eager to participate in the spiritual, academic, social and athletic opportunities we offer. The same Spirit that motivated Luke to write and Paul to preach, is very much alive in these two school communities, and further motivates and strengthens us to imitate all aspects of Jesus life and ministry given to us by Luke. Today, let us offer a prayer of gratitude for his contributions and our call to be bearers of Good News.... And yes, let us take a few moments to pick out a favorite passage for his Gospel or Acts, and use it as our "fuel" for the day. "The Lord sent disciples to proclaim to all the towns: the kingdom of God is very near to you." (cf . Lk 10:1, 9). So true.
Bro. Rene

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