Sunday, April 5, 2020

Sunday Of The Lord's Passion

Today begins the final week of the public ministry of Jesus.  A fine welcome is given to him with a procession, palms and resounding Hosannas as he enters Jerusalem.  In five days the tide will have turned and the Hosannas become "Crucify him!" Jesus knew this, knowing that his mission would include the enormous suffering of scourging, beatings and crucifixion...three hours of agony hanging by nails banged into his wrists. Loss of blood, and suffocation caused him to die without having his supportive legs broken.  It was finished.
Among the amazing facts of his death, was that he CHOSE to do this...he could have avoided Jerusalem, knowing what was in store for him, but he remained steadfast in his desire to enter the city.  He did it because he loves us...because our sin is so great that only the death of the Diving One could expiate it.
For most of us, there will be no palms of processions, no gatherings in our churches, but we are united with one another via TV or the internet.  May the Hosannas resound in our hearts throughout this day, and may we remain steadfast in our commitment to Jesus as he remains steadfast in his love for us.
Bro. Rene

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