Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Generous Love

The conversation with Nicodemus continues today (Jn 3: 7b-15) as Jesus explains that he had to be "lifted up" (that is, crucified), if the rift between the human race and God the Father were to be healed. It was only the death of Jesus, who represented all of us, that could make amends for our sins. This act of generous love not only made reparation for us, but also set the pattern for our lives.  We too must be generous givers, laying down our lives for others.
Today we honor a man who did just that:  St. Anselm, abbot of Bec, a monastery in France, and later, Archbishop of Canterbury in England.  His is a Doctor of the Church being honored as one of the greatest minds ever set to explain the faith, a pillar of truth and model of charity, renowned for his kindness to the monks in his charge and to all. One story goes that he counseled a young monk who was not living the rule, and by his gentle interest and nudging, brought him back into the monastery, and later, when he was dying, was there to wait on him and comfort him on his deathbed. Anselm himself died in 1109.of natural causes.
What can I do to show my generous love to someone today?
Bro. Rene

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