Friday, April 24, 2020

Jesus Wants to Feed Us

Again we hear the story of the multiplication of five barley loaves and two fish, certainly not enough to feed the huge, hungry crowd of 5,000 men, (more counting the women and children), but, Jesus "knew what he was going to do." (Jn 6:6).  And so taking the loaves and fish, he gave thanks and distributed them; all had their fill and twelve baskets of fragments were gathered when they had finished. Such a lavish display of care for his followers he continues today in the Eucharist., now feeding us not with bread and fish, but with himself!  He wants us to have the nourishment we need for our journey as well as to be as close to us as possible, a part of our very bodies as we digest the sacred bread.  In these days when we are unable to take Holy Communion, may we accept the presence of Jesus into our hearts by an act of spiritual communion...a union through prayer of heart and soul with Jesus. May our longing and appreciation grow until the churches have reopened and we can again partake of this great gift.
Bro. Rene 

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