Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Clinging To Proclaim

Today we find Mary Magdalene alone, distraught over the absence of Jesus.  Even the words of the angels cannot console her. It isn't until she hears her name spoke in a voice she recognizes and answers "Rabbouni!"  She evidently hugs Jesus to the point where he has to ask her to "back off."  Yet there is an intimacy there, a great love between the two that cannot be dissolved.  Jesus asks her to go to the others and tell him what she has seen and what he wants. (Jn 20: 11-18).
We might hear the same command...proclaim what you have seen and heard, but we cannot do it convincingly without an intimate relationship with Jesus.  May we put ourselves into the garden with Mary today, and search for Jesus until we hear him call our name, and then, so recognized, loved and fortified, let us live as "Easter People", joyfully bringing the good news to others.
Bro .Rene

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