Friday, April 17, 2020

Called to a Deeper Love

An endearing resurrection story greets us today: disciples not recognizing Jesus on the shore, a net full of 153 fish after a night's fishing with 0 results, and Jesus, cooking breakfast for his awestruck friends.(Jn 21: 1-14). These 14 verses give us another convincing picture of a loving Jesus. What fisherman would not be delighted with a full net, after a long night and an empty net? Then the disciple whom Jesus loved, acknowledged: "It is the Lord." (Jn 21:7).  What a "discovery"!..To recognize that Jesus is always with us, caring for even the smallest detail! Peter is so excited, he jumps from the boat and wades to the shore. And who among us would not delight in preparing a delicious omlet and bacon for the family or a friend for whom we cannot do enough?  And who would not delight it being treated to such a gesture of love expressed in a simple breakfast?  The tender love of Jesus shines like the morning sun and encourages us to do likewise. His love calls us to deepen ours, to spread it lavishly to all in simple, but throughful deeds. What can I do today to be Jesus the cook?
Bro Rene

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