Saturday, December 29, 2018

Simeon's Prophecy

When Mary and Joseph fulfilled their duty to the Law by taking the 40 day old Jesus to the Temple to be consecrated to the Lord, and themselves purified,  they met a rather astonishing elderly man who had been waiting for "the salvation of Israel",  and who gave not only a blessing to the child, but a prophecy to Mary that her soul would be pierced (that she would suffer greatly) "that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed." (Lk 2:35). Indeed, she did suffer seven major sorrows  and still works alongside Jesus that we might come to see him as he is and love him with our whole being. When she gave her YES to the angel Gabriel, she opened her heart to the Holy Spirit and to whatever followed, even to the pain of watching her Son die on the cross, as gradually the significance of that YES and her calling unfolded.
If we can also, alongside Mary, give our YES to the Holy Spirit, we will find God's plan of joy and suffering unfold before us, for the prophecy of Simeon is meant for all of us who give their YES to God. I pray we can do it!
Bro. Rene   

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