Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Going After The Lost Sheep

Surprisingly, owners of large sheep ranches will not go after the missing four or five sheep at the annual roundup, noting that the time and effort involved is not worth it.  This is not the way the Good Shepherd operates.  His is a more personal touch with each of his named sheep and he will not spare any effort to recover one which is lost. How we need such a shepherd!  Where would we be if he did not care enough for us to leave the others who are safe and sound to come and find us? As much as we might resent such intrusiveness in our lives, it's what we have been taught and what we have come to expect.  Something would be missing without the image of the Good Shepherd hovering over us as does the sun. We do not have to fear being abandoned; he will seek us out, and not rest until we are safe on his shoulders.
Bro. Rene

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