Saturday, December 15, 2018

Making the Turn

It was not easy for Jesus to get his message across, and not surprisingly. The prophets had proclaimed, lectured, written repeatedly over the centuries, and people and not understood, at least had not demonstrated by their actions that they did.  :"Elijah has already come, and they did not recognize him but did to him whatever they pleased.: (Mt 17: 12 ). John the Baptist, a voice screaming in the desert about repentance and physically bringing people into the Jordan to wash them in a baptism of repentance to make it very clear that preparation was needed for the immanent arrival of "the one who is to come," the Messiah.  And still they, even the disciples, did not get it.  A dense fog clouded their understanding, and it would take the Holy Spirit to clear it..  Still the fog returns, so annually, the practices, reflections  and promises to which we have we have been  exposing ourselves help to clear our minds and hearts to make the turn away from what fails to satisfy to the true source of life and happiness: the One who saves us from our sins and invites us to walk and live intimately with him. One week and a few days remain in this holy season.  Are we ready to make the Big Turn?  The grace to do so is available...all we have to do is ask for it and be open to receiving it.
Bro. Rene

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