Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Jesus and Children

The scene of Jesus and the children clamoring around him and scolded by the Apostles if familiar enough so that when Jesus speaks about the mysteries of the Kingdom being revealed to the childlike, (cf. Lk 10:21), we can easily understand that he understands and loves children so much, that he sees them as the ideal models for all desiring to understand and enter that Kingdom.  Children ask, believe and take newly acquired information as "gospel truth".  Try to "enlighten" them or change their minds later, even as adults, and they will hold to what they were first taught.  Would that adults would keep that tenacity, and oh, what a responsibility for parents and first teachers!  Must be truth, not fables.
As we proceed through Advent, let us listen to Isaiah and Jesus, taking to heart and embracing what they say with that childlike willingness to believe and childlike tenacity to hold on to it and act upon it.
Bro. Rene

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