Monday, December 3, 2018

Are We Willing?

Yesterday and today provide us with ample material for a nourishing and challenging slice of bread.  Yesterday Jesus warned us about becoming "drowsy from carousing, drunkenness and the anxieties of daily life." (Lk 21: 28- 35) Today, Isaiah invites us to "climb the Lord's mountain and learn the ways of the Lord. He describes the ideal world where people beat their swords into ploughshares and one nation does not rise against another, nor do they train for war again." (Is 2:4). In the Gospel, we see the centurion beg for the life of his servant in complete faith and trust. (Mt:5-11). And we celebrate the memorial of St. Francis Xavier whose passion to teach the Gospel brought him to India and Japan where he "set all on fire." The questions for our pondering today:  are we willing to let go our hurtful behaviors, and  our anxieties? Are we able to trust as the centurion did?  Are we willing to intercede for today's equivalent of our "servant"?  Are willing to work for peace in our hearts, families, workplaces, communities?  Are we willing to set all on fire with our zeal not necessarily across the globe but again, in and among the places and people close to us?  May Advent be a time of willingness and readiness to make whatever changes we can to clear the obstacles for the full reign "The Prince of Peace.
Bro. Rene

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