Monday, December 24, 2018

Midnight Mass

We know not what time Jesus was born, and whatever time of day it was, it seems it was not in December, but traditions have grown up around Decembrr 25th and in the Northern Hemisphere, it's a dark "winter cold night".  The full moon of a few days ago is on its wane, but still lighting up the sky as did the host of heavenly beings, according to St. Luke.  The tradition of a Mass at Midnight adds to the reverence, solemnity and drama of the birth.  The world is can be country quiet at that time, the perfect moment for the Son of God to make his entry via a stable into our world.  The animals, the shepherds, the wonder of it all.  Midnight is the perfect backdrop and stirs the heart, melting away anxiety and replacing it with peace..the peace of the Son of God's Presence....the peace that only he can give.  If you were at a crowded, noisy 4 pm Vigil  Mass just be aware that some of us were in the mysterious middle night where Silent Night is a perfect description of the birth of the Babe in Bethlehem.  May the beauty, quiet, simplicity, earthiness, power and magic of this night bring heavenly peace to you.
Bro .Rene

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