Saturday, March 31, 2018

The Silence of Holy Saturday

Despite most people's regular work or shopping day, yard work, or Easter Sunday preparations, liturgically, this is the quietest day of the Church Year:  no Mass, no Gospel passage, empty tabernacles,  just silence as Jesus lies in the sealed tomb.  Lent is officially over, but some people continue fasting this day to commemorate the absence of Jesus.  Really, a good day to MAKE time to reflect on what happened to us during Lent as well as on the mission of Jesus.  His conquest of Death will be finalized by his Resurrection, but for now, we visualize him descending to the realm of the dead to free Adam, Eve and all who have gone before him. An ancient and beautiful homily portrays Jesus as calling Adam from his sleep, Awake O Sleeper, and with vivid imagery recounts the conversation between the Creator, and Adam, the man who became his father, whose sin called forth the Sinless One to take on all sins and wipe them away by his death.  There are many paradoxes and blessings we can ponder today.  Let us take the opportunity to be silent and do so.
Bro. Rene

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