Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Awaiting Healing With Patience

Today's Gospel describes the healing of the man by the pool of Bethesda, who had been waiting 38 years for for a cure.(Cf. Jn 5:1-16).  We do not know much about him, but few of us would have his patience waiting practically a lifetime for someone to help us. He might be labeled "homeless" in today's jargon; how he survived without SSI is a mystery.  We don't even know if he prayed for a cure, but Jesus, seeing his plight, approached him, had pity on him and cured him.  Can we imagine the man's exhilaration, and joy? Somewhat matched the compassion of Jesus, who breaking the Sabbath, set this man free.
This is the Jesus to whom we pray.  Do we realize this?  Do we have the patience to wait or the  confidence in his compassion to answer our prayers, or even better, to reach out to us and take care of us without our even asking?
Such is the patience and confidence I find in a Rwandan man I helped (through friends) to have a cleft palate and hairlip corrected through surgery.  Now he seeks with utter confidence $2,000 to start a pharmacy to support his mother, father, and sister. His name is Melard and he has been patiently waiting for his "cure" for over 20 years, and now his opportunity to start his business.  It will come.
Bro. Rene

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