Sunday, March 4, 2018


The Liturgy for today provides two Gospel options, the cleansing of the Temple, Jn 2:13-25, or, in view of upcoming Baptisms at Easter,  the Samaritan Woman, Jn 4:5-52. Both might be considered under the title, Cleansing.
Jesus is outraged, to put it midlly, at the sight of his Father's House now turned into a "den of thieves", a market place for the sale of goods and sacrificial offerings as well as the exchange of money.  The whip comes out, tables are overturned, coins fly everywhere and merchants flee, themselves outraged by this "house cleaner."
Jesus uses a more gentle approach with the woman at the well, by acknowledging her presence and his need for a drink of water. Winning her confidence in the course of their conversation, he aids her in "coming clean" about her past and her possible future.
Isn't Lent about cleansing?  Of routing habits, or sluggishness, or things that stand between us and the Father?  Is it not a call to "come clean and admit our sins and seek pardon for them?  If we need a strong force to help us, Jesus is there.  If we need his gentle prodding, he will give it.  Come, Jesus, do what you see is best for me to clean my temple.
Bro. Rene 

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