Thursday, March 15, 2018

The Ides Of March

March 15th, the "Ides of March", already infamous for the assassination of Julius Caesar, was  made immortal by William Shakespeare in his play, JULIUS CAESAR, and, as we approach Holy Week, has an ominous link to the "assassination" of Jesus. In two weeks, we will be in Holy Week when our readings and thoughts will be focused on the Passion and Death of Jesus. (This would be the time to watch THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST, perhaps a bit closer--Palm Sunday, for example).
 Our Lent, thus far, has been dealing with how we can purify our lives to be a more faithful and ardent disciple of Jesus, but we shift now to the thinking, and events that led up to his great sacrifice on the cross. The violence of our time was equally matched in his time, and would seem that despite his death and resurrection, has abated little. We have been given the task of living out the mission of Jesus for our day; we might look closely at the way we live to see if it is truly doing that.  If so, then we can have an influence on diminishing violence in our circle of the planet; if not, then we continue the pattern of assassination in word and deed.  The Ides of March is our day, not Easter.
Bro. Rene

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