Sunday, March 18, 2018

Just A Grain of Wheat

The old adage, "Bread is the staff of life." continues to hold true today, in both a physical as well as a spiritual sense. Although people fear excessive carbohydrates, bread does provide protein and other nutrients needed to sustain a healthy body. Wheat germ is a noted supplement for a healthy diet.  Fields of golden wheat swaying in the breezes of Kansas, Nebraska and the Dakotas feast the eye with their simple beauty.  And the Bread of Life, the Holy Eucharist, is necessary for our spiritual lives here and for eternity. But all comes from the tiny grain that, planted and watered, breaks apart, "dies" if you will, and produces something better. If it does not yield to this "dying process" it will not give us the grains that become our bread.
Our spiritual journey is full of seasons of a dying which produces growth.  We discover insights, achieve goals,  reach plateaus, and then the bottom seems to drop out.  Yet, from the adversity or pain, whatever it may be, we emerge stronger and climb to a new plateau...again and again.  There can be no Spring without Winter, no Easter without Good Friday.  Food for thought as we ponder this little seed  and realize that it's more than "just a grain of wheat."
Bro. Rene  

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